Avrei evitato un post sulla Portfolio Night 8 (la terza in Italia, voluta sempre dall'ADCI) il 20 maggio 2010, se non avessi ricevuto un questionario abbastanza interessante da Brett McKenzie (uno dei coordinatori dell'evento) che pone alcune buone domande ai direttori creativi partecipanti alla PN. (Per chi non sapesse cosa è la Portfolio Night,
qui c'è tutto). Ma ecco le domande che hanno catturato la mia attenzione, tra le 30 del questionario:
13. How many pieces should be in a portfolio? How many campaigns?
14. List three adjectives that describe the ultimate junior creative.
17. In your opinion, is it better for new creatives to sell themselves as readymade
teams, or as individuals to be paired up with who a CD believes
would be a good match?
20. How do you feel about non-advertising expressions of creativity in a
portfolio? For example, photography or poetry?
21. Do you think there is much of a distinction left between writers and art
directors nowadays?
24. A top-notch portfolio is crucial, but how much does personality count
towards making a hire?
28. What would you say to a person with one phenomenal piece in their
portfolio, but everything else in his or her book is mediocre or worse?
30. How do you know when you’ve just seen the best idea you’ve ever
Io ancora non ho risposto, ma intanto lascio le domande a disposizione di chi voglia dare un suo parere.
Elvis has keft the building.